
Minggu, 24 Februari 2013

Joint Loans - A Beneficial Borrowing Alternative

What happens when you go, by yourself, to a bank to apply for a loan and are subsequently turned down because you do not have the assets for collateral or the credit rating to obtain one? Are you out of options? For many would-be borrowers, it seems that this is true. They fail to see what other options are available. This is true of joint loans. Yet, what are joint loans? Joint loans are a type of loans that allows two or more parties like married couples, partners, and family members to apply for a single loan jointly. This application process may involve the combination of annual salaries or the amount of monthly incomes to increase the chance that you may receive a loan request. You may be able to qualify for more money if you have more assets or income available to show that you have the capacity to pay back the loan in a timely and responsible manner. Most of the time, joint loans are used like any other type of loan. People may obtain a joint loan to make a down payment on a new home, to purchase a brand new vehicle, or even deal with the expenses associated with important events like weddings, family vacations, or other celebrations. Purposes will vary with the individual or group but the point is the same. By consolidating resources, particularly financial ones like salaries or income levels, a joint account can provide a way to accomplish what you did not have the finances for at the time. What are some other obvious incentives attached to the use of joint loans? First, if you and someone else get a joint loan together you will be able to borrow more money than you would have been able to on your own. With any loan you are applying for, the lender will consider everything including personal income, credit history, employment status, and your residential status. No stone will be left unturned. The lender will use their criteria to make a decision about whether you will be able to actually pay back the loan or not and calculate what the overall risk of nonpayment may be for the borrower. When other parties are brought into the picture with their own financial factors to contribute in a joint loan, the situation is changed. Second, if you happen to have bad credit, you may have a better chance of obtaining financing through a joint account than you would on your own. Unfortunately, lenders do take your credit rating into account when they are considering whether to approve you for a loan. By applying jointly with your spouse or partner, particularly if that partner has a better credit rating than you have, you can be in a much better position to be accepted for a loan. Third, if you happen to have a low income, a joint loan may be the most viable lending option you can pursue. If you apply one your own for an amount that approaches what you make in a year, a lender is going to more worried about repayment. With a partner's income combined with your own, you will be able to offer the bank more security. On a final note, it must be understood that with a joint loan, both parties will share the responsibility for the repayment of the loans. This should be kept in mind by both people involved.

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